I found this ever-so-fitting depiction of how I feel about nutrition, on fellow Crossfitter, Melissa Byers' Blog. Yeah, we should all know by now just exactly what is and what is not healthy. But really? I mean really don't you just want to say fuck off, sometimes? I know I feel that way about my friend, Mr. peanut butter. Legumes are bad, fat is good, salt is bad, olive oil is limited to a drop, carrots are forbidden on the zone, but celebrated on a Paleo diet. I'm so annoyed, I just want a cookie. Or some booze. No, not really... But, in an interesting aside, as it is the birthday for one of my interns, I made cupcakes to celebrate (and to satisfy my baking needs - such altruism!). I didn't have any of them. None. Didn't even sabotage a cupcake so it would be rendered useless amongst it's perfectly shaped friends, forcing me to do the only humane thing; eating it. That's f'in willpower if I've ever seen it.
You know, the worst part of this whole thing is that I have completely, and utterly given up bread. My old pal. My comforting partner for peanut butter. And crackers. Oh, how I miss eating a box of crackers with hummus. That's right. An entire box. And I didn't care. I saw a drastic decrease in Kashi's stock, when I switched to a meat/vegetable/fruit diet. I'm not sure they will make it in this economy without my help.
So as maddening as all this nutrition business is, I do get a kind of sick joy out of worrying and measuring and contemplating my diet. Maybe one day soon, I will figure it out; hone my intake to the point where I see the results I want to see.
Farmhouse rolls are def on the very tip of the Fuck off scale. Zero bread?? ever?? wow ur crazy haha
And adding some fat blocks might help ur performance some. It helped me a lot. =)
Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the story. By the way, I keep forgetting to tell you how amazing the cupcakes and cookies were you dropped off at Ricky's. Highlight of the party!
Hi Alison,
Thanks for taking the time to listen to my woes:) Here goes. This whole thing started at the beginning of the 50 day HSPU challenge. We were setting benchmarks and on my last rep as I pushed up it was if my feet didn't move and my body just bent out. I felt a crunch in mt lower back and knew something wasn't right. I feel the pain the most when I DL, also, while in a seated position when I raise my right leg. The pain is pretty localized in my lower back on the left side. Occasionally I get pain in my hip and leg on the left side which makes me think a nerve is being pinched or something. I went to a chiropractor 3 times over Christmas and it didn't really do much. Lately the pain had been dull and constant unless I'm lifting anything off the ground then it's sharp. I'm not sure what else to tell you. The only other weird thing I can think of is that my right hamstring has felt this cycle more than my left(maybe it's a clue?). At this point I'm up for anything that will help alleviate the pain and allow me to heavy dead lift like I used to. Thanks for your help and let me know if there's any more information that you might need:)
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